Recovering from the Losses in Life
beyond healing! Buying and praying for opportunity to share this book forward....first heard this on Audible can get access to free if know someone hurting , so grateful for this Author sharing truth in life -of loss and grief that the world, and even in some churches has been sidetracked in changing world that does not acknowledge or encourage normal grieving of a loss...know someone hurting ? this book is priceless, reminding us of the way God hardwired us to feel and heal in healthy ways, not ignore or match with worldly way just to conform for others sake. Loss is REAL and loss God cares very much about! yes even as we grow through them. I was isolated and this reminded me of God's love! Years ago support instruction received at a grief share class, can no longer find at churches this helped in similar way!
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Reviewed by: Lisa from Iowa USA.
on 8/26/2022