GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays - Survival Guides**

Your Price: $7.00
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Part Number:106

**Please note: GriefShare Survival Guides are sold (minimum quantity of 5) to churches that already own the GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays kit.

The new edition of Surviving the Holidays is available for preorder! Preorder in July for September shipping. The current version of Surviving the Holidays will also be supported through the 2023 holiday season.

The GriefShare Survival Guide is a key component of your holiday outreach event. Each person who attends should receive a Survival Guide to use during the event and to take home.

The book contains:

  • Practical strategies and exercises to help grieving people face common challenges that come up during the season
  • An outline to take notes during the video
  • Scripture and devotions filled with encouragement, support, and practical truths
  • Journaling ideas to help people sort through their emotions
  • A holiday gospel presentation
  • An introduction to the GriefShare program and encouragement to join a group

Survival Guides are sold (minimum quantity of 5) to churches that already own the Surviving the Holidays kit.

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