Curriculum Resource: Worry, Anger, Stress, Burnout & Depression
Now available to be downloaded - includes curriculum and PowerPoint
This curriculum resource offers ten to twelve hours of teaching
and preaching material to assist others with some of the most common
issues of life. The curriculum has eleven sessions, and each session
includes teaching content, transparency/PowerPoint patterns and
reproducible handouts for participants. The curriculum was written to go with Winning Over Your Emotions, by Norman Wright, which is now out of print. We highly recommend Restarting the World as a companion book. It is an easy read and touches on the different emotions in the curriculum.
Session One: Worry, Fear and Anxiety
Session Two: The Effects of Worry
Session Three: Biblical Answers to Worry
Session Four: Anger in Our Lives
Session Five: Understanding Your Anger
Session Six: Controlling Anger
Session Seven: Stresses - Causes and Prevention
Session Eight: Burnout in Our Lives
Session Nine: What is Depression?
Session Ten: The Causes of Depression
Session Eleven: How to Overcome Depression
This curriculum can be used in Sunday school classes, weekly Bible studies, as teaching content for Sunday morning services.